Monday, May 16, 2011


This day
This moment
the connectedness
builds to crescendo, filling me to
blissful overload

I sat
I hugged
the little boy
will surely shun
my affections
some day,
some moment

Hitting pause
Hitting stop
Feeling the weight of our time
laden with winged bricks
poised to depart
without notice

Moments stringing together
a chain
between now and then.

Heavy body
Full heart
Holding onto everything.
Long spindly legs with
stretching bruised legs
Bits of conversation
falling to the grass blades and
popping like soap bubbles.


Lindsey said...

The string of moments between now and then ... gorgeous. Just so true. My heart hurts reading this. xox

Justine said...

This is so beautiful Denise. This part, I dread myself with my own: "who will surely shun my affections
some day..." and the imagery you weaved with this line, "Feeling the weight of our time laden with winged bricks poised to depart without notice" takes my breath away.

Kudos, my friend.

rebecca @ altared spaces said...

I love tangling legs with my kids.

Tim said...

Love this and am heading home immediately.

Unknown said...

Funny - my comment came through as Henry, the boy I need to go home and hug! Love it, Denise.

lisa adams said...

beautiful. I love the photo as much as I love the words. And the person who wrote them.

Christa said...

Love, love, love this. All of it. And you, for taking the time to notice and capture the image in photograph and words.

Thank you, from a mama who is past this stage, but loves to be reminded of the good old days!

Alita said...

"Bits of conversation
falling to the grass blades and
popping like soap bubbles."

The imagery of this is perfect. I do this with my boys all the time and half of the time I take it for granted. I shouldn't. I liked this Denise. You have such a way with honesty, but wrapped into a flawless package of words. They drip with love. :)

Rudri Bhatt Patel @ Being Rudri said...

Oh, Denise. This is beautiful. The imagery, the picture and the sentiment are weaved together just perfectly. The emotions are very palpable. Thank You.

ayala said...

Denise, lovely imagery...moving!

Anonymous said...

As a mom to boys, I feel this in the deepest recesses of my soul. Thank you my friend for voicing these tender emotions.

Rochelle Byiers said...

This is beautiful and made me cry.. I'm the mother of a 20 year old boy... and good news.. boys never shun the affection of their moms (at least not in the privacy of the home)

Sarah @ Momalom said...

Don't remind me that it's going to end. The hugs, the bubbles of conversation, the long, soft moments together. Sometimes I look in my oldest boy's eyes and I can just feel that all he wants is to be near me. And then I start crying inside because I know it will end. It will change. And while I'm usually quite good with change--and never could have foreseen how much this would bother me--it is indeed bothering me.

I love love love that picture. LOVE.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, how this gorgeous poem feels like a punch in my gut - in all the painful and glorious ways I think you meant it to.

Just last night as I was tucking in my 3yo, I was overcome by emotion as I realized simultaneously how big he his already and how much bigger he is going to get. Sigh. And hugs to you, my dear.