Wednesday, May 25, 2011


A path, leading. Like any other path, road, walk, drive. Leading somewhere. Anywhere.
Pure decadence.


I stopped. I finally stopped and pulled over. Camera poised to
capture the dogwood
Resting her image
so certainly on the stream below.


So small. So tender. Pushing through the rough facade
and topography of its environs
Surviving. Reaching up.


Another storm rolling in. Charcoal layered on
rumbling thunder. The air held the pungent
familiar scent of impending rain.


My dear friend's rockin' yellow rain boots.


Blowing some magic bubbles into the air.


One day, maybe two weeks ago, we finally had a day
of sun and cornflower blue sky.
I took this photo through the sunroof
of my car.
It makes me smile.